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Family Mediation Week 2025

Separating Parents Urged to Avoid Courtroom Conflict as Family Mediation Week Kicks Off in the UK

Parents in the UK who are separating or divorcing in 2025 are being encouraged to avoid courtroom confrontations when settling financial and parenting arrangements. This advice comes as Family Mediation Week runs from January 27 to 31.

January often sees a rise in separations, as the pressures of the Christmas period can be the final straw for many relationships.

Elizabeth Bilton, a Solicitor, Accredited Mediator, Direct Child Consultant, and PPC at Midlands Dove Mediation/Elliot Mather LLP, which serves Chesterfield, Derby, Mansfield, Nottingham, and nationwide, explains that Family Mediation Week aims to raise awareness of the benefits of family mediation. This process helps ex-partners agree on arrangements without the stress, delay, and cost of going to court.

She says: “Many parents emerge from the festive period feeling overwhelmed by the pressures on relationships and finances highlighted during the holidays.

“Here in the East Midlands, we find that parents in this situation often don’t know where to turn. Their decision to separate brings many tough questions:

  • Who lives where?
  • Where will the children live, and how will we ensure we both spend time with them?
  • How will we sort out finances?
  • What about debts and pensions?
  • And even the family dog?

“Family Mediation Week shines a helpful spotlight on these tricky issues, offering separating parents information about their options as they make arrangements for parenting, property, and finances.

“Family mediation is a process where an independent, professionally-trained mediator helps you work these things out, enabling you to avoid courtroom confrontation. Professional mediators empower you to create long-term solutions for your particular circumstances, rather than leaving it to a court to make decisions for your family.”

Separating parents could receive up to £500 in government assistance towards the cost of family mediation.

We welcome the news that the Family Mediation Voucher scheme has been extended to March 2026. This scheme provides separating couples with vouchers worth up to £500 to help them make settlements using family mediation. Government figures show that over 27,000 families across England and Wales have been supported through amicable separation by the scheme. We can apply to the scheme on your behalf and secure the financial support you need if you are eligible.

For a free initial consultation, please call 01623 706020 or email


Elizabeth Bilton

LLP Member

Family Solicitor, and Accredited All Issues Mediator FMC, Direct Child Consultant, PPC, Workplace, Civil and Commercial Mediator

Elizabeth qualified as a Solicitor in 1993 and practiced initially the fields of Crime, Conveyancing Wills, Probate and Personal Injury cases, before developing her specialization in Family Disputes.

Family Specializations

Elizabeth is a member of Resolution and is committed to advising her legal on all aspects of family disputes and settlements both financial and also those relating to children and personal protection.  She also trained with Resolution as an All Issues Mediator in 1997.  In the following year, Midlands Mediation was established.  Since 1999 Elizabeth and her growing team of specialist Mediators have delivered both private and publicly funded mediation services as well as continuing to offer clients the traditional Legal Family services. 

  • Advising clients separating in the context of Divorce, or Separation arrangements
  • Advising on and drafting, pre and Post nuptial agreements
  • Advising on non- molestation, Occupation and Harassment issues arising from family breakdown (personal protective orders and relief)
  • Advising on the financial arrangements following separation in particular housing needs, income capital division, pension provision and asset valuation.
  • Dispute involving third party’s interests (eg co-ownership)
  • High net worth, complex, cases which often involve diverse business interests including, family run companies / businesses, investment portfolios, commercial and residential property rental businesses, pensions and taxation issues.
  • Multi issue cases involving property, money debt, finance, children arrangements
  • Cases involving high conflict or complex interpersonal dynamics
  • Cases involving complex health issues (physical, mental and emotional) of parties and /or children
  • Active facilitation of cases for mediation and ongoing support mentoring and advice thorough the process, and beyond….
  • Drafting of all necessary Child Arrangements Orders and Financial Remedy Orders Mediation Cases requiring a higher level of involvement and support from Legal Advisors, either within the mediation process (special facilities are available to accommodate parties and their legal team on site,
  • Providing bespoke advice or as required limited retainer advice on specific issues when required.
  • Interviews in person or remote by telephone, Skype or Face time
  • The instruction of appropriate experts where required.

Elizabeth’s achievements and qualifications and experience include:

  • Accredited All Issues Mediator through Resolution (1997)
  • Training Panel for Domestic Violence and Abuse
  • Advanced Law Society Family Panel member
  • Law Society Children’s Panel member
  • Law Society Mediation Panel
  • Direct Child Consultation
  • Resolution Trained Private Practice Consultant
  • Civil and Commercial Mediation Training
  • Workplace Mediation Training
  • Personal Injury Diploma
  • Accredited member of the Family Mediation Council (registered to undertake (MIAMS)
  • Accredited Member of HSSF ‘Help and Support for Separated Families’

Expert involvement

Elizabeth can work with other third party advisors who can be brought into meetings at any point to help assist the progress of issues raised.  These may include Property Valuers Independent Financial Advisors, Accountants, Pension Actuaries, Counsellors, Hypnotherapists and Life Coaches.

Our specialist Family Team consists of experienced Lawyers and Mediators.

We are able to offer clients a modern and flexible service.

Cost effective packages of legal services or a bespoke service.

If legal services are not required and you would wish to refer your family matter for mediation click here and visit our dedicated Mediation web site (MIDLANDS DOVE) and begin a different process of dispute resolution.  

Office Locations for Family Services: -

  • Chesterfield,
  • Mansfield,
  • Sheffield,
  • Nottingham,
  • Derby,
  • Matlock
  • Remote telephone, Skype or other conferencing facility (where appropriate)




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Registered Office: St. Mary's Court, St. Mary's Gate, Chesterfield, Derbyshire, England, S41 7TD

VAT Number: 126 3019 03

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